The project aimed to speed up the use of DNA technologies in conservation, cross-border trade in wildlife and other live organisms, as well as ecosystems monitoring and their management in the ASEAN region. The project was designed to build the capacity of the staff and researchers of the ASEAN Heritage Parks (AHPs) and other selected protected areas in the region on DNA-based approaches for species identification and discovery.
Improved knowledge and skills of selected staff and researchers of botanic gardens, academe, and research institutions on the use and application of the DNA barcoding for taxonomic identification on vascular plants
Published taxonomy of common vascular plants of the Mount Makiling Forest Reserve, an AHP which will contribute in building and improving the taxonomic knowledge in the tropics
Modified the CBD protocols in using the DNA barcoding tool for use in the tropics
A risky yet ambitious era for global biodiversity With the adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global
Biodiversity Framework (GBF) in
Born and raised in Brajah Harjosari, a village on the borders of Way Kambas National Park in Southern Sumatra, the
To Dr. Vong Sok, Head of the Environment Division, Assistant Director of the
Sustainable Development Director, ASEAN Secretariat;
Dominik Fortenbacher