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Institutional Strengthening of the Biodiversity Sector in ASEAN I (ISB I)




The project is one of the three modules of the German – ACB Cooperation Programme Protection of Biological Diversity in the ASEAN Member States in Cooperation with the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity. The overall objective of the project is that “the ACB successfully assumes its regional mandate for the implementation of the CBD”.

The project adopts a comprehensive capacity development approach to enable ACB to assume its mandate. In parallel it also aims to support the necessary intra- and cross-sector dialogue, cooperation and networking processes, and the support of regional approaches through pilot initiatives.

During its implementation, ISB I focused its support on the ASEAN Hertitage Parks Programme in the conduct of studies to support the development of national and regional strategies for improved protected area management.

This Technical Cooperation used a multi-level approach through the following:

  • Implementation of pilot measures at the local and national level in the ASEAN Member States (AMS), such that the ACB can elaborate recommendations which are relevant for the AMS
  • Promotion of exemplary implementation of regionally developed policies and strategy approaches in the AMS.
2015 – 2019
EUR 5,000,000
Implementing Partners
Federal Government of Germany through the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.


The project aimed for the ACB to successfully fulfil its regional mandate for the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).


The project had six areas of intervention:
Organisational development
Coordination and strengthening of the ASEAN Heritage Parks (AHP) network
Capacity development on economic valuation methods for biodiversity
Development of negotiation positions of the AMS
Monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the CBD Aichi Biodiversity Targets in the AMS
Establishment of a regional biodiversity information platform


Four regional assessments and studies were conducted through the project, wherein eight AHPs and two protected areas in five AMS were assessed in terms of gender mainstreaming, climate change resilience, and economic valuation. A desk review was also conducted to develop a minimum management standard for AHPs. Results are proposals for a Gender Plan of Action, guidelines for climate change resilient AHPs and marine protected areas, human capacity development strategy for economic valuation and minimum management standard for AHPs

Five pilot projects from Lao PDR, Myanmar, and Viet Nam were supported by the project to generate best practices and lessons learned that will be disseminated throughout the ASEAN region to inspire other initiatives and contribute to the development of regional approaches for effective ecosystem management, biodiversity conservation, and valuation of ecosystem services

Implementation of activities to contribute to the fulfillment of Aichi Biodiversity Target 1 included the following:

(A) enhancement of the ACB Corporate Website as a platform for regional information on biodiversity, including the AHP Portal
(B) production of various exhibit materials, workshop kits and tokens, highlighting the different AHPs in the Region
(C) production of AHP promotional materials
(D) video documentation to highlight milestones of the project

Implementation of the secondment programme wherein 18 junior and senior staff from 9 AMS have participated to carry out selected regular functions of ACB, foster a regional/ASEAN mindset, and become champions of biodiversity in their countries

Supported the ACB’s participation in 26 regional and international fora and training to strengthen capacities and increase visibility as a regional centre of excellence on protection and sustainable use of biodiversity in the Region

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