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ASEAN Heritage Parks

Meinmahla Kyun Wildlife Sanctuary

The Park was established to protect the remaining mangrove forests and as a refuge for estuarine crocodiles and resident and migratory water and shore birds; breeding ground for fish and prawns; research area for the conservation of mangroves and wildlife; and as an environmental education centre.The Park measures 13,700 hectares; Bogalay Township of Ayeyarwady Division, Myanmar

Photo Gallery

Bogale Township of Ayeyarwady Division
137 sq km
Date declared as an AHP
18 December 2003, at the Signing of ASEAN Declaration on Heritage Parks
Other international designations
Habitat types
Contact Information

Mya Lwin
AHP Manager
Tel.: +95 67405002
E-mail: [email protected]

Unique Flora: Mangrove species such as kanazo, madama, thame, thayaw, kambala and thinbaring; medicinal plants.

Unique Fauna: Freshwater turtle species such as the mangrove terrapin and the Burmese roofed turtle; several bird species; freshwater dolphins; sambar deer (Cervus unicolor); hog deer; small Indian civet; wild cats; estuarine crocodiles; fish; prawns; crabs; tortoise; rock python

Habitat types: Mangroves

Visitors of the sanctuary can enjoy bird watching, as well as witness marine turtles lay eggs at Kadonlay beach from November to January. A myriad of wildlife species that abound in the area can also be observed by guests of the Park.

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