ASEAN Heritage Parks

Bach Ma National Park

One of the highly protected conservation areas in Vietnam, and is one out of six important National Parks under the management of the Central government.

Beside the lanscape, topography and biodiversity values, Bach Ma NP also demonstrates unique cutural, historical and environmental values. Bach Ma National Park functions as watershed forest of numerous large rivers in the region including Ta Trach river (a main branch of Huong river), Truoi river, Cu De river. Bach Ma National Park is situated in the centre of the World Cultural

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In the administrative boundary of two provinces including Thua Thien Hue and Quang Nam, its buffer zone comprises of 15 communes and towns of three districts: Phu Loc, Nam Dong (Thua Thien Hue) and Dong Giang (Quang Nam). Geog Coordinates: From 15059’28’’ to 16016’02’’ N From 107037’22’’ to 107054’58’’ E
406.945 km2
Date declared as an AHP
Other international designations
Habitat types
Tropical and subtropical evergreen forest ecosystem; About 40% of the forest ecosystem recorded at Bach Ma NP are still intact, no human intervention.
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The total number of endemic species of Vietnam in Bach Ma NP is 204 species including the typical species such as Nageia fleuryi, Schefflera pacoensis, Canarium subulatum, Peltophorum dasyrrachis

2,421 flora species (including 74 species were listed in the Red Book of Vietnam (2007), 20 species were listed in IUCN Red List (2016) and 204 endemic species) and

1,728 fauna species (including 70 species were listed in the Red Book of Vietnam (2007), 52 species were listed in IUCN Red List (2016) and 15 endemic species).

Unique Flora: 204 endemic flora species, 74 rare and endangered flora species are listed in the Vietnam red data book (2007) and 21 flora species listed in the IUCN Red List (2016), typically such as Fokienia hodginsii, Cephalotaxus  mannii, Keteleeria evelyniana, Aquilaria crassna, Sindora tonkinensis), Sindora  siamensis, Hopea siamensis, Melanorrhoea usitata, Dalbergia oliveri.

Unique Fauna: 15 endemic fauna species, 70 rare and endangered fauna species listed in the Vietnam red databook (2007) and 52 fauna species listed in the IUCN Red List (2016) such as Anguilla marmorata,  Physignathus cocincinus, Python molurus, Bungarus fascitatus, Cuora  galbinifrons, Platysternon megacephalum, Lophura edwardsi.

Habitat Types: Tropical and subtropical evergreen forest ecosystem; About 40% of the forest ecosystem recorded at Bach Ma NP are still intact, no human intervention.

Outdoor recreation, sightseeing, bird watching, spring bathing, exploring history, architecture, nature and landscape.

In 2016, the ecotourism development project in Bach Ma National Park 2016-2020 was approved by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development. The Park collaborated with the People’s Committees at all levels and related parties to develop plan of developing of ecotourism infrastructure.

Several beautiful waterfalls and streams located both inside and at the buffer zone of NP as well as Bach Ma summit which would attract many visitors in the future. The small trails with many key fauna species will also be the main target for many nature lovers in all over the world.

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