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Building capacity of countries in support of the development and implementation of National ABS Framework

Collaborative Research on Ecotourism


The Small-Scale Funding Agreement between the United Nations Environment Programme Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific and the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity was signed on 03 April 2015,

Summary of accomplishments are the drafting of national regulatory and institutional frameworks, piloting of ABS measures, development of PIF for Myanmar, and conduct of a project closing meeting.

Implementing Partners


The overall objective of the project was to provide technical support to countries to test approaches for equity in ecosystem management and addressing ABS, development and climate change adaptation.


  1. Agreement with selected AMS on national work plan
  2. Analysis report on selected ABS regulatory and institutional frameworks in selected AMS
  3. National consultation workshop report from each selected AMS 
  4. New or enhanced ABS regulatory and institutional frameworks from selected AMS
  5. Report on piloting of administrative or policy measures to implement community protocols, bioprospecting, and/or biotechnology research as identified priority by selected AMS
  6. PIF for the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol on ABS for submission to the GEF Secretariat
  7. Project coordination and technical support

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