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Gunung Leuser National Park (GLNP)

GLNP is a national park in Indonesia that covers almost inaccessible mountains. The Alas River runs through the park, which was the last place where orangutans, tigers, elephants, rhinoceros, and leopards lived together.

The park management faces several challenges, including environmental fees for local community management and ecotourism activities. Answering these concerns, SGP Indonesia supports the sustainable utilization of natural resources through better collaboration between the national park, local government, and communities. Among the activities for the park are habitat restoration, information education and dissemination about the flagship species (elephant, orangutan, tiger, and rhino). The project also hoghlights nature tourism development to provide income opportunities, reducing the pressure on the park’s resources.

The richness of biodiversity and critical ecological value of GLNP made the park an ASEAN Heritage Park (AHP) and part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra.

1M+ -hectare park covering North Sumatra, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (Southeast
Aceh, South Aceh, Aceh Singkil), and the Regency of Langkat

four iconic species live: the Sumatran orangutan, Sumatran tiger, Sumatran elephant,
and Sumatran rhinoceros

130 mammal species

380 bird species

Rafflesia arnoldii, and the tallest flower, Amorphophallus titanium.

other wildlife species present: slow loris, pig-tailed and long-tailed macaques,
siamangs, white-handed gibbons, Thomas’ leaf-monkeys, Griffith’s silver leaf-monkeys,
clouded leopards, Malay sunbears, and sambar deer.

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